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Our programs

United Help Ukraine’s four major programs promote the health and welfare of Ukrainian civilians and defenders as they endure unprovoked Russian brutality, and raise public awareness of their struggle for Ukraine’s freedom—and its very future.

Defender's Aid

The Defender's Aid Program focuses on preserving the safety, physical health, and overall well-being of Ukraine’s defenders. It provides essential humanitarian supplies, including protective gear, tactical first-aid kits, communications and safety equipment, and clothing.

tactical medicine

Tactical Medicine

The Tactical Medicine Project is the largest project within our Defenders Aid program, accounting for about half of its budget because proper training and first-aid can save lives immediately on the battlefield. In May 2023, UHU adopted an existing medical training organization in Kyiv and rechristened it the United Help Ukraine International Center for Tactical Medicine. We have expanded its capabilities so that it employs 35 certified trainers who can provide training and tactical first-aid kits to 500-750 defenders and combat medics per month. Ordinary soldiers are trained so they can assist themselves and others when wounded if a medic is not immediately available. We also train defenders at the locations where they are based. Through the project, UHU has distributed more than 50,000 tactical first aid kits and 300,000 tourniquets to Ukrainian defenders and combat medics since Russia first invaded in 2014. Components of the first aid kits include advanced QuikClot wound dressings to stop heavy bleeding. First aid supplies also include specialized backpacks for paramedics. At a cost of as much as $3,000, each backpack can be used to help up to 15 wounded.

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Humanitarian Aid

The Humanitarian Aid Program provides essential resources and basic necessities to the most vulnerable populations in Ukraine, including internally displaced people, residents of liberated territories, and those living near the front lines.

Medical Aid

The Medical Aid Program supports healthcare infrastructure and the well-being of wounded individuals and their families. It provides critical hospital and ambulance equipment and supplies, funding for the treatment and rehabilitation of the wounded, and mental wellness resources for children and families scarred by war.


Mental Wellness

The Mental Wellness Program, part of the Medical Aid Program, supports a network of psychologists across Ukraine who are vital to the mental health of traumatized Ukrainians, especially children. This program includes our Smuha Family Resilience Project. The title, from the Ukrainian word for path, lane, or line, suggests a way forward even in the most difficult conditions. Smuha has multiple components to address the needs of children and those who care for them. Through our program, we: •  Build the capacity of mental health professionals across Ukraine to better support young children and their parents •  Provide family-centered therapeutic activities and support groups for parents •  Support the psychosocial and mental health needs of adolescent refugees •  Create child-friendly and play-focused spaces where young children can feel safe and comforted. Our psychological aid efforts started in 2022 with a rehabilitation program for children known as Hibuki Therapy, which originated in Israel. Hibuki means “my hug” in Hebrew. Children suffering from psychological trauma received guided toy therapy, with remarkable results in emotional recovery. Through this initiative, we donated more than 5,000 Hibuki dolls to Ukrainian children. “It is vital to the health of Ukraine’s children and young people that they are not overlooked during this challenging time. We are proud to be at the forefront of efforts to care for the people who represent such a crucial piece of our nation’s future.” Maryna Baydyuk, President, UHU

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Wounded Warrior

The Wounded Warrior Program, part of the Medical Aid Program, supports travel to the U.S. for treatment not available to amputees in Ukraine. The treatment is provided in partnership with Medical Center Orthotics and Prosthetics in Silver Spring, MD. We also offer housing, transportation, entertainment, and emotional support to those who have sacrificed so much fighting for their country. This initiative was featured in The Washington Post. “By providing emotional support to our brave warriors, United Help Ukraine is giving these soldiers a piece of home while they are receiving life saving treatment here in the US.” Maryna Baydyuk, President, UHU.

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Raising Awareness

Through events and educational initiatives, the Raising Awareness Program aims to inform and engage the American public about Ukraine's fight for independence and sovereignty, promote Ukrainian culture within the United States, foster understanding, and build connections between the two countries.