Ukrainian people want to remain a free and independent nation. We are advocating for the people of Ukraine while providing them with financial and medical support to resist the Russian invasion and support them as the work to survive in the face of adversity

Raising Awareness
UHU is committed to raising awareness around events on the ground and the needs of the civilians of Ukraine while providing them with critical support and humanitarian aid.

Advocating for the People of Ukraine
The Ukrainian people want to remain a free and independent nation. UHU advocates through events, awareness campaigns, engagement with elected officials and the media to ensure the voice of the Ukrainian people is heard as they fight to resist the Russian invasion and work to survive in the face of adversity.

Engaging the Community
UHU is dedicated to engaging communities in the US and across the globe to support Ukraine and ensure Ukraine remains a free and independent nation. We work with organizations, charities, and through local partnerships to provide critical humanitarian, medical and psychological assistance to people affected by the war.

Combined Federal Campaign
United Help Ukraine is participating in the Combined Federal Campaign! CFC is the charitable campaign for Federal Government employees to pledge tax-deductible contributions to approved non-profit organizations. Visit the CFC website and register today to make United Help Ukraine your charity of choice!
CFC #: 71359