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The largest Ukrainian flag in the world

On October 24th, we unfurled the largest Ukrainian flag in the world in Washington DC.
After 3 days of advocacy, this was truly an emotional moment. Gathered by the monument were people of all backgrounds from across the nation, dedicated to advocating for Ukraine. The flag weighs 330 pounds and is 25,800 square feet- the largest Ukrainian flag IN THE WORLD.
As it continues traveling across the nation, we know that we have left our mark- the same way that we have left our mark in our work for advocating for Ukraine. Thank you to all who joined us for the Ukraine Action Summit last week to bring Ukraine closer to victory.


Latest reports

UHU Spoke at the U.S. Helsinki Commission Briefing on Ecocide in Ukraine!
On Tuesday, our President & Executive Director, Maryna Baydyuk, participated in a panel discussion at the U.S. Capitol alongside Eugene Z Stakhiv and Kristina Hook.