Please make the donation to help brave Ukrainians

Help Provide Clean Drinking Water for Ukrainians Impacted by War

Over a year after the devastating Kakhovka Dam disaster, many Ukrainians are still struggling to access clean water. United Help Ukraine has been on the ground since the disaster, installing 5 water filtration systems that pump 200 gallons of clean water per hour, providing free drinking water for thousands of village residents.
However, more civilians and defenders still lack access to safe drinking water. United Help Ukraine is committed to ensuring safe drinking water for all, and we need your help!

Join Our Effort: Donate essential water filtration kits, hydration packs, and purification tablets through our Amazon List.

Help us secure these essential items and fund future projects to install even more water filtration systems in affected areas. Donate to our Water Fundraiser. Together, we can make a difference! 💙💛
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NYC and DC 10th Anniversary Galas
At our NYC and DC 10th anniversary galas, United Help Ukraine proudly presented Humanitarian Awards to exceptional individuals who have made a lasting impact on Ukraine.