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Fire Equipment for the Bohodukhiv community in Kharkiv

A few months ago, we teamed up with AVP – Akzeptanz, Vertrauen, Perspektive e.V. to create UkraineHilfe Düsseldorf, a humanitarian hub in Germany to provide even more aid to the people of Ukraine. In a recent mission together, we helped to provide important fire and rescue equipment for Kharkiv amidst the ongoing strikes to the city.
We thank Irina Shum, from the consul of Ukraine in Dusseldorf, for providing a top of the line generator, as well as the city of Bonn for providing this important equipment. It is through important partnerships like these that we can continue providing life saving aid to Ukraine.
We also thank the firefighters of Bohodukhiv for their incredible sacrifice and the hard work that they do to truly save lives. We are honored to support these heroes!
Glory to Ukraine!


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NYC and DC 10th Anniversary Galas
At our NYC and DC 10th anniversary galas, United Help Ukraine proudly presented Humanitarian Awards to exceptional individuals who have made a lasting impact on Ukraine.