Please make the donation to help brave Ukrainians

Emergency Medical Aid for Kharkiv

We’re proud to announce that our first pallets of medical aid have been sent to Kharkiv, a city enduring relentless bombardment and in desperate need of support.

Our recent donation to Kharkiv hospitals included:
-Portable ventilators
-Surgical instruments
-Surgical masks, gloves, and gowns
-Bandages and gauze
-Hemostatic sponges
-Walkers and wheelchairs
-Hygienic supplies

A heartfelt thank you to our generous donors in the US and Düsseldorf, and a special thanks to our humanitarian hub UkraineHilfe Düsseldorf for their crucial role in getting these supplies delivered swiftly!

We have stood with Kharkiv since the first week of the war, and we are committed to supporting the city until the very end. Please consider making a donation to our Kharkiv Emergency Fund today to help us continue delivering aid to those in desperate need.

Together, we can make a difference. Donate now to support Kharkiv!
Donate today: facebook fundraiser.


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NYC and DC 10th Anniversary Galas
At our NYC and DC 10th anniversary galas, United Help Ukraine proudly presented Humanitarian Awards to exceptional individuals who have made a lasting impact on Ukraine.