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Day 3 of the Ukraine Action Summit

Over 500 constituents from 47 states gathered on Capitol Hill today as a part of the Ukraine Action Summit to attend meetings with their elected officials and advocate for Ukraine!

This is now the 4th Action Summit organized by the American Coalition for Ukraine, of which United Help Ukraine are proud founding members!

It is more important than ever to advocate for Ukraine while supplemental aid is being help up. Even if you are not attending the summit, you can still take action from your own home. Call your representatives and make your voice heard, tell them to support supplemental aid for Ukraine!
Use the link to find your representatives and contact them today: communityforukraine.org

Find out about day 2 and day 4 of the Ukraine Action Summit 2024.


Latest reports

UHU becomes full member of U.S.-Ukraine Business Council
We are proud to announce that United Help Ukraine has transitioned from an associate member to a full member of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC)