1 M+total in USD
1 k+defenders received tac med training
01 k+first aid kits
The Tactical Medicine Project is the largest project within our Defenders Aid Program, accounting for about half of its budget because proper training and first-aid can save lives immediately on the battlefield. Tacmed Ukraine is a symbol of saving the lives of Ukrainian defenders and medicals by providing help on the frontlines.
In May 2023, UHU adopted an existing medical training organization in Kyiv and rechristened it the United Help Ukraine International Center for Tactical Medicine. We have expanded its capabilities so that it employs 35 certified trainers. These professionals can provide training to 750 defenders and combat medics monthly. We train ordinary soldiers with essential TacMed skills to assist themselves, civilians, other wounded defenders, and medical staff. These simple skills can save many lives when medics are not immediately available. We also train defenders at the locations where they are based. During 2024, thanks to your support and donations for this initiative, we boosted training capacity significantly. By November 2024, United Help Ukraine trained over 10,500 defenders to save lives using tactical medicine techniques and tools.
Through the project, UHU has distributed more than 50,000 tactical first aid kits and 300,000 tourniquets to Ukrainian defenders and combat medics since Russia first invaded in 2014. Components of the first aid kits include advanced QuikClot wound dressings to stop heavy bleeding. First aid supplies also include specialized backpacks for paramedics. At a cost of as much as $3,000, each backpack can be used to help up to 15 wounded.
Please, find out how you can help save the lives of people on the frontlines. Every dollar matters. There’s no small donation. Your contribution is deeply appreciated.